Special Clinics require extra equipment, set up/tear down, traveling box assignment and many other custom issues that must be arranged in advance. This page tracks all special clinics and identifies what resources have been assigned to them.
Feb 27- Conservation District Sale - Monroe Fairground Terry West - coordinator Traveling Box #1 to be picked up at the Extension Office by Terry, Plant Sale small flyers, garage sale flyers
March 8-10 - Everett Home and Garden Show, Comcast Arena, Everett Both RG/NYC and MG booths - #39 and #40, contract submitted Traveling boxes #1 and #4, full display board, plant sale and garage sale small handouts, plant sale display items, pots
March 21 - Intern training Traveling Box #2
March 23-24 - Blueberry Madness! - McAufille's Valley Nursery Need someone to deliver/pick up Traveling Box #1, Community Garden Grant display, Plant Sale small flyers, Raintree catalogs, Territorial if we have them
March 30 - Big Dig - Lynnwood Fred Meyer Tents, tables, chairs provided for event in parking lot Traveling Box #4 Traveling Box #2
March 30-31 - Clinic Box Day
April 18 - RG/NYC Earth Day Expo - Providence Hospital, Colby Campus Traveling Box #4
April 19 -RG/NYCEarth Day Expo - Providence Hospital, Pacific Campus Community Garden display, lettuce seedlings? Traveling Box#4
April 22 - RG/NYCEarth Day - Trinity Lutheran Church, 196th, Lynnwood Tentative - Traveling Box #4
April 25 -RG/NYCEverett Community College Sustainability Awareness Day, Greywolf Hall Bldg Tentative - Traveling Box #4
April 27-28 - Spring Recreation Fair - Monroe Fairgrounds Both RG/NYC and MG booths - Sheila and Philomena to deliver/tear down, contract submitted Traveling Boxes #1 & #4, full display board, Plant sale small flyers and display items, vege pots display, free seeds
April 27-28 - Earth Day/Arbor Day - Dr Earth & Conifer Sale - McAufille's Valley Nursery Sheila to deliver/pick up Traveling Box #2, Plant sale flyers, display?
June 7-9th - Sorticulture, Legion Park, Evertt Both RG/NYC and MG clinics Traveling box # 1 and 4, extra table cloth, full display board, pull up screens
June 15th - Father's Day Happy Hour - McAufille's Valley Nursery Traveling Box #1, display?
June 15th - Youth Fitness Expo, Athletic Field at McCollum Park Traveling Box #2, tent with sandbags (white? sides?), seed planting materials provided, plastic to cover tablecloth? Contract submitted
Aug 2nd - Summit Family, 2109 196th St SW, Lynnwood Tentative - Traveling Box #1, tent, table and chairs provided
Aug 2-4th - Stanwood Fair, Stanwood Traveling Box #3 (keep box in north end)
Aug 10th - RG/NYC Festval of the River, Arlington Traveling Box #4
Aug 22-Sept 2nd - Evergreen State Fair, Monroe Traveling Box #1
Aug 30th - RG/NYC Evergreen State Fair, Monroe Traveling Box #4
Sept 21st -Harvest Festival - Skagit Farmers, Mt Vernon Tentative - Traveling Box #3
Sept 27-29 - RG/NYC Fall Everett Home & Gift Show, Comcast arena - corner of Hewitt and Broadway Traveling Box#4
October 5-6 - Autumn Tree Fest - McAufille's Valley Nursery Traveling Box #1
October 23 - RG/NYC - Food Day 2012 - Everett Community College Tentative - Traveling Box #4